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We wish you a Merry Christmas! Have a look to our closing time

Since our new internet shop was open in September, we have received orders from USA, Germany, Norway and from Finland of course. So, thank you all Europe for your interest in our products!
We want to thank you for your companion this first months and hope to continue our coffee partnership next year! Be ready for new coffees from Rwanda (natural process), Peru (Cup of Excellence) and other awesome coffees to come.
This year we will donate some percentage of our income to a non-profit marine conservation organization as we are very concern about how sea life is being affected by plastic and other contaminants. There are many organization out there and we still haven’t decided where to donate. If you know some trusty organisations please send us an email!
Closing times

  • Helsinki Café & Shop: We are open as normally till 22.12. Open again on 07.01 !
  • Lohja: Open everyday till 22.12. Our Saturday’s Café is open again on 19.01 (a long break due to Mia & Ivan’s trip to Peruvian jungles!)
  • Internet shop: Our internet shop is never closed! Orders before 22.12 are shipped this week. Orders before 28.12 will be shipped on 28.12. After made on 28.12 or later will be shipped when we are open again, on 07.01

Last discount for Christmas: use coupon code Xmas_2018 till 21.12 and get 10% OFF from our beautiful coffees!

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Cupping the best Peruvian coffees, what a great day!

Last Sunday 18.11 we arranged a cupping session to taste the best coffees of Peru, the winners of the Cup of Excellence – Peru chapter. Some coffee colleagues, B2B customers, friends, the Consul of the Embassy of Peru and the 2 lucky winners of our lottery joined this event.  It was a fun event but also an eye-opening one because the flavours of Peruvian coffees greatly surprised to all of us.
Traditionally, Peruvian coffee is known by its chocolate and sweet notes, medium body and high acidity. However, many of these coffees were very complex with sensory notes similar than those found on Kenyan or Ethiopian coffees. We were able to identify in many lots flavour notes such as grapefruit, cherry, camomile, peach, nuts among others. Definitively the quality of the Peruvian coffees have improved a lot during the last 15 years.
Coffee preference is quite subjective and tight also to cultural influences. For this reason we arranged a blind cupping session so the participants did not know which coffees they were tasting. To make the things more interesting, as you can see from the below list, we added a coffee ranked in the position 22th of the competition and one “outsider” which was our own Peruvian coffee Gran Palomar. The list of coffees included:

  • Rank #2: La Palma (89,85 pts)
  • Rank #3: El Romerillo (89,58 pts)
  • Rank #4: Candelaria (89,43 pts)
  • Rank #5: Santa Sofia (89,28 pts)
  • Rank #6 Rayo el Sol (89,2 pts)
  • Rank #7 La Naranja (88,65 pts)
  • Rank #8 La Reserva 88,45 pts)
  • Rank #9 Nueva Tierra de Canan (88,23 pts)
  • Rank #10 El Shimir (88,2 pts)
  • Rank #11 Joyas de Alied (87,62 pts)
  • Rank #22 El Huailulo (86,14 pts)
  • Gran Palomar (our own Peruvian coffee)

To have some conclusions we asked each participant to choose their 3 most favourite coffees and their 2 lowest favourite coffees. After tasting the coffees we revealed the origin of them and the results were actually quite interesting, although not surprising.  The favourite coffees in the session was the #4, followed by #2 and #5. The most surprising result was that our Gran Palomar was the 5th most favourite coffee! Incredible isn’t it? My opinion is that Gran Palomar offers more approachable flavour notes such as nuts, honey and chocolate. This is perhaps the reason why some people chose it. Participants that were more involved in the coffee sector did not choose our coffee but decided to go for more complex coffees.  In my case for example, I chose, as my favourite ones, the #3, #4 and #10 because of the complex berry notes of those coffees. As for the “less favourite” coffees, you could think that most of the people would choose coffee #22 and Gran Palomar, right? Interestingly not! The less favourite coffee was coffee #7 (La Naranja) and the second less favourite coffee was our Gran Palomar!
Personally I think that the quality of the coffees from those winning farms are outstanding and the ranking is just there for the auction. Yet, it is good for quality purpose to quantify quality but let’s not forget that organoleptic factors are not absolute and each of us has our own winner coffee!
By the way, the auctions of the Peru Cup of Excellence was yesterday. My beloved Coffee #3, El Romerillo was purchased by an Australian company. The lucky ones were able to offer 18,000 USD for this coffee (40 USD/kg).
During today and the following days you can come to our Café in Töölö and ask for a cup of coffee prepared with one of these winning lots. My recommendation: ask a cup of coffee from El Romerillo (#3) or Candelaria (#4). About El Romerillo, I love those clear notes of grapefruits, red currant, peach, cherry and Aguage (a tropical fruit similar to lychee).
Coffee Roaster at Cafetoria roastery Oy
2007 Finnish Cup Tasting Champion
SCA Barista trainer
DI Telecommunications

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Win a place to cup the Best Coffees from Peru!

Dear coffee lover,
Would you like to taste and enjoy the best Peruvian coffees, the winners of the Cup of Excellence competition? Yes? Then register here before 16.11 and you could become one of the winners to join this private cupping session! We will announce the winners this Friday 16.11.18

Since 2003, together with my wife Mia, we started the promotion of Peruvian speciality coffees in Finland. People loved our coffees, but they were also surprised that Peru, the Land of the Incas, was indeed a coffee producing country. Things are different nowadays and that’s why we are so joyful and enthusiastic to share with you the flavours and complexities of the best Peruvian coffees! These winning lots will be sold through an online auction at the end of November and coffee companies from all around the World will bid as high as they can to get those precious beans. Last year, the winning lot was purchased for more than 200 USD per kg.
Where: Cafetoria roastery Café & Shop: Runeberginkatu 31. 00100 Helsinki.
When: 18.11 at 10:00. Session will last about 1.5 hours.
Good luck on the lottery and  hope to see you there!
Ivan Ore (Juanca)
Founder & Coffee Roast Master of Cafetoria roastery Oy
SCA Certified Barista trainer
Finnish Cup Tasting Champion, 2007
DI Telecommunications

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Our new internet shop has been launched!

(Text in FINNISH below)

Hello coffee lovers!

We have some great news for you. Our internet shop is soon celebrating 11 years! During this time internet technology has evolved quite much and in order to be able to offer you the best user experience on terms of communication, options, security and flexibility, we are changing our internet shop platform. However, the migration will be done smoothly so you can still purchase products at the usual address:

Now, we would like to invite you to register to our new platform (you would need to enter a password and your personal details) and start using our new internet shop which is located at:
Confused? Don’t worry. Just access to our company’s website and you will find links of both internet shops, the new and old one, in the menu (see picture below). The new internet shop is currently in English language (yes, we also sell internationally) and in the future we will have a similar version in Finnish.

We know that this new registration means to you a bit of extra-work and that’s why we want to compensate this by giving you 10% discount on all our coffees which are purchased in our new platform ( . Use coupon code: CAFETORIA. This great discount will be available till 30.11 so enjoy it as much as possible!

We have very high expectations on our new internet shop platform. Besides writing blogs with more information about our new coffees, we are soon offering exclusive coffees only accessible via this platform and brewing tips how to get the best flavours out of it.
Many thanks for staying with us during all this time. Let’s make together our new internet shop greater than ever!
If you have any further questions about this platform migration we are happy to receive your messages.
Mia, Juanca and the other guys!

Continue reading Our new internet shop has been launched!

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Coming from Blue wings: Brewing perfection

The April edition of Bluewing mazagine talk about coffee and about what they consider coffee pioneers. We want to thanks the journalist Shelly Nyqvist to dedicate some part of the article about us!:
Helsinki: Latin Fusion
Ivan Ore and Mia Nikander-Ore’s “love-for-coffee” story began on a visit to Ore’s home country of Peru in 2001. An uncle, who was a coffee producer, suggested they buy green coffees from the local cooperative and sell to roasters in Finland. Instead Ore ended up roasting the beans himself.
In 2002 the Peruvian-Finnish couple opened Cafetoria roastery in Lohja, about 50 kilometers west of Helsinki’s Töölö. And that’s where the tale of two cultures comes together.
“Diversity is our calling card and what defines us. We embrace the Latino culture”, says Ore. “Coffee should serve the people so that’s why we roast the whole spectrum.”
How they think about coffee is also unique in the traditional “Finnish” sense. “We date to be different and break the rules”, says Nikander-Ore. “For example, we’ve introduced a high quality organic Robusta coffee, which is taboo in the industry because the bean is considered more bitter than its aromatic cousin Arabica bean.”

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15 years of Direct Trade and friendship!

Thoughts of Ivan Ore (our roast master and a founder of Cafetoria)

At the end of each Christmas season, my wife Mia and me have taken the tradition of visiting Peru and our friends, the coffee producers of Gran Palomar. I need to confess that the trip is also an excellent excuse to scape every year from the dark and cold Finnish winter too!
Back in 2001, when we started this project of Cafetoria by bringing Gran Palomar raw coffee beans, we sincerely did not have any idea about how far this project was going to. What we saw at that time was the motivation of its people to restart their normal life after the disgraceful terrorism activities of Shining Path in the region. They did have only a single raw material to work with, the coffee, but things were not so easy because the coffee prices at that time was the lowest in 30 years.  Under this circunstances we decided, encouraged by the producer’s passion, to take one step of faith and do something about it.
During these 15 years many things have changed in the village. Once there was a time where the village’s activity ended very early in the day since there was no electricity, only a single fixed telephone line for all the village and lack of infraestructure to process efficiently the green coffee beans. Today every producer has its mobile phone and they enjoy basic services such as electricity and water. They also have built a big processing plant  that is in complaince with the EU organic regulations
On behalf of Cafetoria we want to thanks so much for your support and valoration to this coffee. Although nowadays we offer coffees from more than 16 countries Gran Palomar occupies a special place in our heart and we are delighted to know that it is also in a special place in the heart of many of our customers and final consumers!